When the Apostle Paul prayed, what did he ask God to do? This question is not meant to regulate or confine our prayers but to sharpen and elevate them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read morePrayer Aim: To Know God Better
Prayer Aim: To Know God Better
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Prayer Aim: To Know God Better
When the Apostle Paul prayed, what did he ask God to do? This question is not meant to regulate or confine our prayers but to sharpen and elevate them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreThis psalm is one of the Songs of Ascents. This means ancient Israel used to sing this song when going to Jerusalem to worship God three times each year. In other words, this song was sung by people on pilgrimage -- people who had committed to walking with God.
Read moreIn the earliest years of my walk with Christ, God placed me in a church with a rugged man for a pastor. He and his wife suffered much physical affliction but also chose pain for the mission of Christ. They were some of the toughest people I'd ever seen. It was apparent that their Christianity took strength, and that their Christianity made them strong. (15 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreThe True Tale of a Thoroughly Contented Man
(Philippians 4:10-13)
Paul was thankful for the Philippian church. Their faith was real; it had resounded throughout their region. They loved Jesus, and their lives reflected His holiness. They were genuinely progressing in their sanctification and partnering with Paul on the mission of God. (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreOur pilgrim has made his decision -- he will leave his home and embark on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship God. He has said enough is enough. The way of the world is an anathema to him now. He will leave his village and launch into sojourn. He has decided to go up to God's city. (18 Minutes/4700 Words)
Read moreHonor God
Archival Post
“I am happy to share this archival post as a reflection on a topic that has been important to me.
I hope you will enjoy either revisiting this topic with a new awareness or reading it for the first time with fresh eyes.”
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