When the Apostle Paul prayed, what did he ask God to do? This question is not meant to regulate or confine our prayers but to sharpen and elevate them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read morePrayer Aim: To Know God Better
Prayer Aim: To Know God Better
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Prayer Aim: To Know God Better
When the Apostle Paul prayed, what did he ask God to do? This question is not meant to regulate or confine our prayers but to sharpen and elevate them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreOur Salvation Song
Archival Post
Hezekiah was an excellent king of Judah. A descendant of David, he bore similar traits to his ancestor in that he worshipped God and delighted in God's law. At one point, Hezekiah became sick. Isaiah the prophet was summoned, and he told Hezekiah his time to die had come. Hezekiah pleaded with God but also pleaded with Isaiah to plead with God. Isaiah returned with the glad announcement that Hezekiah would live. For another fifteen years, Hezekiah sat on the throne.
Read moreFaith Receives Power for the Impossible From God
(Hebrews 11:11–12)
"Sarah herself received power to conceive." It is an exhilarating statement. In her old age, Abraham's wife received God's power for the impossible by faith. She came to trust God, and that reliance upon the omnipotent God yield her the child of promise. God had told Abraham and Sarah they'd have a child together. They could cling to the word of God on this one. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
Read moreOur Salvation Song
(Isaiah 38:20)
Hezekiah was an excellent king of Judah. A descendant of David, he bore similar traits to his ancestor in that he worshipped God and delighted in God's law. At one point, Hezekiah became sick. Isaiah the prophet was summoned, and he told Hezekiah his time to die had come. Hezekiah pleaded with God but also pleaded with Isaiah to plead with God. Isaiah returned with the glad announcement that Hezekiah would live. For another fifteen years, Hezekiah sat on the throne. (5 Minutes/1000 Words)
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