Sunday Teaching: Maturity Profiled 02—The Mature Endure Temptation—James 1:12-18
Read moreMaturity Profiled: James Introduction & Overview
What Does It Mean To "Count It All Joy" When We Meet Trials? (James 1:2)
What Does It Mean To "Count It All Joy" When We Meet Trials?
(James 1:2)
In the opening line of his letter, the half-brother of Jesus cracked open the life of faith. It will have to press through trials—and it should interpret them correctly. (2 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreChrist and the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
Christ and the Storm
(Mark 4:35-41)
This episode is an identity account—one where the disciples come to terms with Jesus' identity. In this story, they gain a massive clue he is the God of Glory, the Holy One, the Creator and Sustainer of all flesh. They will walk away, amazed by Jesus. (11 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreThe Life of David: Pillars of the Heart (1 Samuel 16:14-23)
The Life of David: Pillars of the Heart
(1 Samuel 16:14-23)
The pillars of ancient Greek buildings were designed to connect the entire structure above to the foundation below. As we've already seen, David was a man with a foundation. In the passage before us, someone will say of David, “The LORD is with him.” That was David’s foundation, the rock upon which he stood. (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: Marriage's Little Foxes
Marriage's Little Foxes
Archival Post & Podcast
The Song of Solomon is the greatest love song ever written. In it, romantic love is evidenced from start to finish, from the beginning of life to the very end. It is a great ideal, a wonderful possibility, a straight up life goal for any married couple.
Read moreA Guide for the Climb - Chapter 11 - Learn to Cry and Then Wait for God (Psalm 130)
Our next song deals with one of the more difficult practices of the disciple's life, waiting for God. Because of who God is — and who we are — there are bound to be various stresses in our relationship with Him. He will confuse us at times. We will be frustrated with Him at times. If God is infinite, flawless and perfect and I am finite, sinful and imperfect, then it stands to reason that I will become frustrated in my relationship with him at times. (14 Minutes/3600 Words)
Read moreBook Excerpt: The No-Nonsense Biblical Man
Unless we give our lives to a cause greater than ourselves, and unless we pour into the lives of others, we will suffer an inevitable and gradual shift into self-introspection, selfishness, and ultimately despair. Jesus came to serve, and He is our model for life. ( 1 minute/300 Words)
Read moreFaith Worships Only God (Hebrews 11:21)
Faith Worships Only God
(Hebrews 11:21)
The author to the Hebrews knew a Christian life mixed with even the lightest persecution would be difficult. He imagined his audience, outcast Jewish Christians, no longer accepted in their old Jewish communities, in need of help for their journey. So he told his hearers to live by faith. He quoted Habakkuk, "the just shall live by faith" (Habakkuk 2:4). (6 minutes/1400 Words)
Read moreA Prayer To Know God's Love (Psalm 52:1)
A Prayer To Know God's Love
(Psalm 52:1)
O, God! Your love endures, more than my sin, weakness, and limitations. You have never run out of gas. Everywhere I have gone, anything I have thought, every day of my life, Your love has endured. (2 Minutes/600 Words)
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