Joseph, the ultimate rags to riches story. One day in prison, the next day on the throne. Unknown to Egypt, then announced to the land as the right-hand man of Pharaoh. The world came to know his name, but not before his brothers tried to erase it. He was an overnight success. Or was he?
Read moreHis Mission: Jesus Is the Champion Who Delivers His People (Mark 1:12-13)
Mark does not include robust detail about Jesus' time of temptation in the wilderness. Matthew and Luke record three direct temptations from Satan, along with Jesus' scriptural rebuttals to each. Instead, Mark gives an overview of the events. He isn't as interested in the dialogue, but the action itself. (4 Minutes/950 Words)
Read moreOvernight Success? (Genesis 41:41)
Joseph, the ultimate rags to riches story. One day in prison, the next day on the throne. Unknown to Egypt, then announced to the land as the right-hand man of Pharaoh. The world came to know his name, but not before his brothers tried to erase it. Or was he? (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the Champion Who Delivers His People (Mark 1:12–13)
in the wilderness. Matthew and Luke record three direct temptations from Satan, along with Jesus' scriptural rebuttals to each. Instead, Mark gives an overview of the events. He isn't as interested in the dialogue, but the action itself. (3 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJesus Tests (John 6:6)
O Lord, You tested Your man. You saw the vast and weary crowd stay deep into the day. You knew they would need food. You knew they had not prepared for a trip of such duration. So you looked at Philip and said, "Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?" (2 Minutes/500 Words)
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