Paul learned how to be content in every condition of life. He had been well loved, but he had also experienced a deep poverty. He had been healthy, but he had also been sick. He had been exalted, but he had also been brought low. In the midst of these extreme highs and lows, Paul learned a wonderful secret— contentment. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreBook Excerpt: The No-Nonsense Biblical Man
It all starts with the Gospel. Far too much teaching on the life of a Christian man centers around the actions of his life instead of on the heart that beats within him. The no-nonsense biblical man must have a deep-seated heart for the Gospel. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreBook Excerpt: The No-Nonsense Biblical Man
Unless we give our lives to a cause greater than ourselves, and unless we pour into the lives of others, we will suffer an inevitable and gradual shift into self-introspection, selfishness, and ultimately despair. Jesus came to serve, and He is our model for life. ( 1 minute/300 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Gospel Centered Men
Gospel Centered Men
Archival Post
“I am happy to share this archival post as a reflection on a topic that has been important to me.
I hope you will enjoy either revisiting this topic with a new awareness or reading it for the first time with fresh eyes.”
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Gospel Centered Men
Gospel Centered Men
7 Minutes / 1,400 Words
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