United In The Workplace -- Leaders (Ephesians 6:9)

Paul shifts his exhortations for the workplace from the slaves to the masters, from the working class to management. “Do the same to them,” he says. He had just written to the slaves to respectfully obey their masters, as to the Lord. Masters are to do the same. But how can a master obey their servants? How does a leader obey the laborers? (3 Minutes/500 Words)

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United in the Workplace — Slaves and Masters (Ephesians 6:5-9)

The situation of Paul’s day was horrific. Slavery teemed throughout the Roman world. Some estimate as much as half the empire was enslaved, a fact which was cause for concern amongst the ruling class. A rebellion was feared. Not only large in number, but slaves were also often highly educated, working as physicians, lawyers, and teachers. (3 Minutes, 600 Words)

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