There is a nation, a kingdom, a empire that will stand forever. Daniel saw it through a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had thousands of years ago. In the dream there was a statue that had a gold head, chest and arms of silver, and feet of iron mixed with clay. Daniel interpreted the dream to represent four kingdoms, the Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Grecian empire, and the Roman Empire. In the vision there was a stone that destroyed the entire statue.
Read moreUnited in the Workplace — Slaves and Masters (Ephesians 6:5-9)
The situation of Paul’s day was horrific. Slavery teemed throughout the Roman world. Some estimate as much as half the empire was enslaved, a fact which was cause for concern amongst the ruling class. A rebellion was feared. Not only large in number, but slaves were also often highly educated, working as physicians, lawyers, and teachers. (3 Minutes, 600 Words)
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