In a famous episode during the life of Christ, He invited His disciples to cross the sea of Galilee with Him. "Let us go across to the other side," He said. One by one, they piled into the boat. Many of them had fished the lake for years, seasoned veterans of those waters. They'd seen it all out there. But not that day. That day, a massive storm arose, like nothing they'd ever seen. (15 Minutes/4000 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb -- Chapter 5 -- Remember All Your Previous Rescues (Psalm 124)
If you have ever seen a child walk off a roller coaster with a huge grin on their face, especially if they stepped onto it with a grim one, then you know what this next psalm is all about. The people who sing it had been attacked by a monster, threatened by a flood, and trapped by a fowler. But God rescued them from every calamity, and they remembered His rescues by singing about Him. (14 Minutes/3700 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb -- Chapter 4 -- Develop A New Eye (Psalm 123)
Our pilgrim has come far on his journey. In his first few songs, he consecrated himself for the climb to Jerusalem. He also realized God would help him on the path, and he celebrated the gathering together of God's people. But his journey, like ours, is about interaction with God, not only in the sublime and spiritual, but in the daily and earthy stuff of life. (15 Minutes, 3800 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb -- Chapter 3 -- Have a Vision for the Gathering (Psalm 122)
Our ancient Hebrew pilgrim, readying himself for the journey to Jerusalem, wanted God in his life. He wanted God every day, not only during the three annual feasts at the temple. He understood, though, how limited his everyday experience with God would be if he didn't go to Jerusalem. If he never gathered with other believers to worship God, he'd experience less of God than he craved. (20 Minutes/5000 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb -- Chapter 2 -- Know God Will Help You Climb (Psalm 121)
Our pilgrim has made his decision -- he will leave his home and embark on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship God. He has said enough is enough. The way of the world is an anathema to him now. He will leave his village and launch into sojourn. He has decided to go up to God's city. (18 Minutes/4700 Words)
Read moreA Guide for the Climb -- Chapter 1 -- Prerequisites to Your Decision (Psalm 120)
The temple pulsated with life during Israel's feasts. When the people ascended to God’s holy house, the electricity was tangible. Worshippers left the quiet of their towns and villages to come together with all the ferocity they could muster. They were a people devoted to God. (20 Minutes/4000 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb - The Introduction
Our world whirls and spins without thinking. On hyperdrive, society cruises ahead at breakneck speed. We move fast to get what we want fast. Like Veruca Salt, we want it, and we want it now! Gone are the days of slowness, the days when the journey was just as beautiful as the destination. We often think any shortcut worth taking, that the quickest route is the best route. (8 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreA Guide For The Climb #11 — Learn To Cry, And Then Wait, For God (Psalm 130)
Teaching outline for Psalm 130.
Read moreA Guide For The Climb #8 — Psalm 127 — Embrace God's Vision For Home
Theme: Pilgrims want the house of God to impact their house, so they look for God’s help, health, heritage, and heroes.
Read moreA Guide For The Climb #6 — Be At Peace Due To Your Position In God — Psalm 125
Theme: Though hard for us to believe, when we put our trust in Christ, He gives us an immovable position. This song highlights our radical position, along with the peace that should flow from it.
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