05 God's Wisdom in a Complex World: It's Worth Trusting (Proverbs 3:1-12)
Read moreRun in Gospel Grace (Galatians 5:7-15)
Run in Gospel Grace
Galatians 5:7-15
One of the Apostle Paul's favorite teaching analogies was the foot race. In this passage, he used it to illustrate how the Galatians were in danger of getting off the course God had assigned them. He told them, "You were running well" (7). However, someone came along and disrupted their progress by telling them they had to add Jewish laws to their faith in Christ if they wanted to be truly accepted by God.
Read moreApplying Paul's Illustration: Purge Anti-Gospels & Know Who You Are (Gal. 4:30-31)
Applying Paul's Illustration: Purge Anti-Gospels & Know Who You Are
Galatians 4:30-31
Today, we finish looking at Paul’s illustration using the story of Sarah and Hagar, which he used to show the struggle between law and grace for the Galatians. Let’s look at two more applications from this Old Testament story.
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