Sunday Teaching
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: 7 Ways for a Man To Humble Himself
7 Ways for a Man To Humble Himself
Archival Post & Podcast
A proud man, Naaman had it all. As a man of war, victorious. As a servant to his king, pleasing. As to honor, held in high esteem. But this proud Syrian general was unclean with leprosy. Here are seven humbling acts for a man of God. Counterintuitive, they lead to life. Consider them like the muddy waters of the Jordan River for all Naamans today.
Read moreNehemiah 2—God Renews His People By Awakening Hope
Sunday Teaching: Nehemiah 2—God Renews His People By Awakening Hope
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: How Your Future Resurrection Can Impact Your Today
How Your Future Resurrection Can Impact Your Today
Archival Post & Podcast
Christ’s resurrection secured the future resurrection of his people. Believers have hope and confidence and surety and resolve that their bodies will experience redemption. We will put off the man of dust and put on the man of heaven. We will be remade, renewed, reformed in the image of our resurrected Savior.
Read moreArchival Post: See and Taste the Power of God
See and Taste the Power of God
Archival Post
Northern Israel, during a time of egregious apostasy against God, blamed the drought and despair and death on God. He was, in their minds, to blame.
Read moreFriend of Sinners, Part 1 (Mark 2:13-17)
Friend of Sinners Part 1
(Mark 2:13-17)
In this three-part series, we are going to explore this question: What kind of people enter into God's kingdom? We are going to ask this because the first time Jesus spoke in Mark's gospel, he said, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15). Jesus came. The time is fulfilled and, with him, came the kingdom of God. It is at hand. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Secret Devotion, Public Victory
Secret Devotion, Public Victory
Archival Post
King Joash knew who to go to when the situation was dire. Elisha the prophet, though on his deathbed, was his only hope. With a flair for the dramatic, Elisha told him to shoot an arrow out the eastward window. “That arrow,” Elisha told him, “is the Lord’s arrow of victory over your enemy, Syria.”
Read moreArchival Post: Pride Induced Anger
Pride Induced Anger
Archival Post
“I am happy to share this archival post as a reflection on a topic that has been important to me.
I hope you will enjoy either revisiting this topic with a new awareness or reading it for the first time with fresh eyes.”
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Pride Induced Anger
See And Taste The Power Of God (2 Kings 7:1-2)
See And Taste The Power Of God
(2 Kings 7:1-2)
Northern Israel, during a time of egregious apostasy against God, blamed the drought and despair and death on God. He was, in their minds, to blame. Elisha wanted them to see how quickly their fortunes could turn. Repent, and God would open the windows of heaven. Prove it, they would say. So Elisha prophesied to Samaria, “Tomorrow about this time food will be sold for next to nothing. For once, supply will outpace demand. Food will be easy to come by.” (4 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreHow Your Future Resurrection Can Impact Your Today (1 Corinthians 15:58)
How Your Future Resurrection Can Impact Your Today
(1 Corinthians 15:58)
Christ’s resurrection secured the future resurrection of his people. Believers have hope and confidence and surety and resolve that their bodies will experience redemption. We will put off the man of dust and put on the man of heaven. We will be remade, renewed, reformed in the image of our resurrected Savior. (4 Minutes / 800 Words)
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