Last week, we studied three reasons from Mark 15 that Jesus was crucified: to fulfill God’s plan, to save us, and to consume our darkness. Today, we will continue looking at three more.
In our passage today, we will observe "Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2), a stunning event. Christianity is not centered upon tenets, doctrines, beliefs, or behaviors but on the events of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. These events lead to tenets, doctrines, beliefs, and behaviors, but the events are the starting place. Without Jesus' cross, there is no Christianity. Without his resurrection, there is no hope.
In our final movement of Jesus’ trials by the Jews, the religious leaders had to pawn Jesus off on Pilate. Rome did not allow the Jews to execute people, so the Sanhedrin needed to bring a charge against Jesus to Pilate. So, early on Friday morning, they delivered Jesus to this Roman prefect.