Good doctrine leads to healthy action, and John believed his teaching would lead his audience to a life of confidence before God. And this is how he approached the end of his letter, explaining to them what that confidence should produce. First, prayer. Second, specific convictions. This week and next, as we draw near to the closeout or study of this letter, we will look at both. (12 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreA Vision for Marriage
Churches should have a vision of what their communities could look like if impacted by Christ. Various facets of life are all driven forward by having a strong vision. Militaries, families, sports teams, enterprises, research -- all of it is propelled by vision. It makes sense, then, that married couples should have a vision for marriage. Too much is at stake. (15 Minutes/3700 Words)
Read moreExile Service - 1 Peter 4:10-11 - The Grace of Exile #22
Exile Service - 1 Peter 4:10-11 - The Grace of Exile #22
Read moreArchival Post: Ruts to Avoid When Leading Small Group Discussions
At Calvary Monterey, we emphasize our small group ministry, believing it necessary for Christians to gather together outside of the large weekend meeting. Though Sundays are of immense importance, nothing can replace the wonderful one to another ministry that occurs when we get together in small groups.
Read moreLeviticus 18-19
Now, turning to Leviticus chapter 18, we turn to a chapter of Scripture, again for the people of Israel, where we have laws restricting sexual activity, laws restricting sexual activity. I should remind you here at this point in Leviticus that a proper interpretation of the Old Testament law is that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law.
Read moreOutworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Witnesses (1 John 5:6–12)
Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreA Decision-Making Mindset (1 Corinthians 16:5-7)
I have never been great at decision-making. At least, I have never felt great at it. Looking back on the last couple of decades of my sojourn, I can see a track record of critical choices that yielded good fruit. So I do not mean I constantly make bad decisions. I do make them (the bad ones), but what I mean here is that I am one of those people who struggle and deliberate and vacillate while making decisions, and, because of all this, I feel I have never been great at decision-making. (3 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreExile Atmosphere -- 1 Peter 4:7-9 -- The Grace Of Exile #21
[Sunday Teaching] Exile Atmosphere -- 1 Peter 4:7-9 -- The Grace Of Exile #21
Read moreArchival Post: What Hour Did You Show Up?
Jesus, the master storyteller, spoke of a fictitious vineyard. The owner hired day laborers at different times throughout the day. Some were hired in the morning, some at lunch, and some in the afternoon. Some were even hired shortly before quitting time.
Read moreLeviticus 16-17
Today here in chapter 16, we're looking at the Day of Atonement, commonly in modern times thought of as Yom Kippor. This was the most important day of the Jewish religious calendar, and Leviticus 16 is the introduction of this day. There's no coincidence, likely, that it's found here at the center of the priestly manual, the center of the book of Leviticus. And not only in the center of Leviticus, but really if you space it out, it's at the center of the Torah itself, Genesis through Deuteronomy. This is an important day, and the ceremonies described here were for the priests to engage in on this special day.
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