Hey everyone. Welcome to our through the Bible journey. And today we're in Genesis chapter 49. As we conclude our study through the book of Genesis with this teaching chapter 49 and of course, chapter 50. It's good to remember that the book of Genesis began with life. God created, God spoke life into existence, no random accident, no chance, but a definite designer and God being the first cause the one who made all that is, and the one who is uncaused, the one who is eternal and has never not been in existence.
Read moreGenesis 44-46
Welcome to our Tuesday Night Church Through the Bible Teaching and Study. Right now, we're in the book of Genesis and nearing the end of the book of Genesis, actually. If you'd like to turn to Genesis chapter 44 as we continue on in looking at the life of Joseph.
Read moreGenesis 42-43
Right now, we’re continuing our journey through the life of Joseph here in Genesis chapter 42 is where we’ll pick up the teaching today. The situation, of course, was laid out for us in the previous chapters. In chapter 41, Joseph miraculously, meteorically ascended to the position at Pharaoh’s right hand. He became, overnight, the second most powerful man in all of Ancient Egypt, the powerful nation of that particular region.
Read moreGenesis 40-41
Welcome everyone to our through the Bible study of the book of Genesis. We're going to be in Genesis chapter 40 and 41 if you'd like to turn there in your Bible.
Read moreGenesis 35-37
Today we're in the book of Genesis chapter 35. If you turn there in your Bibles. Genesis chapter 35. Now this chapter really is the conclusion to the journey of, and story of Jacob. His sons will be the focus of the rest of the book of Genesis, especially his son, Joseph, and also his son Judah.
Read moreGenesis 32-34
In our continuation through the Book of Genesis today, chapters 32-34, we’ll be looking at the story of Jacob returning to the land of promise after years on the run. And before we get into that, I just want to thank you for joining and continuing through the Book of Genesis with me.
Read moreGenesis 29-31
Where we left off in our last study in the book of Genesis, we saw Jacob clearly and obviously chosen by God. He of course had manipulated his way into receiving his father's blessing. But then after going on the run from his brother, Esau, God met Jacob at Bethel. The ladder of God was lowered in his vision or dream from heaven down to Jacob and angels from God ascending and descending upon the ladder.
Read moreFriend of Sinners, Part 2 (Mark 2:15)
Friend of Sinners Part 2
(Mark 2:15)
Now, the day of salvation in your life should be a day of celebration, and that's how Levi saw things. He invited Jesus to his house and invited his friends, many tax collectors and sinners. They gathered around the table and, as was their custom, reclined as they feasted together. It was a celebration, but also a farewell party. Levi had a new life, calling, and adventure in front of him. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreThe Forward Focus of God (Genesis 17:5)
The Forward Focus of God
(Genesis 17:5)
God is a renamer. He doesn't hesitate to take your old person and make you new. All through Scripture, God exemplifies his heart of renewal by renaming people he loved. (2 Minutes/600 Words)
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