Nate Holdridge

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The Attractiveness Of Christ

“You are the most handsome of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever” (Psalm 45:2, ESV).

Jesus Christ is the most attractive man in history. Attractive in the sense those who have understood His cross have been drawn to Him. Increasingly, we want to have something to do with Him. His beauty is unparalleled. There is no one like Him. He draws us with Himself, His nature. His every look, glance, word, thought, action — all of it boggles our minds.

We have never seen anyone like Him. We are drawn to Him. We want to be next to Him. We want to know Him.

Psalm 45 says it well — the most handsome; grace is poured upon his lips.

One of the most attractive elements to Jesus is the grace on his lips. There is nothing quite like this in our lives. The lips of others are often filled with poison or mixed motives. At best, they are limited in their capacity to faithfully bless, encourage, lift up, counsel, sustain, help, or strengthen.

But the word of Christ is a life giving stream. Abundantly, He speaks. He speaks and speaks and speaks. His word flows into our hearts and we can only call it one thing — grace.

"Thank you, Oh Lord Jesus. You are the most handsome of the sons of men — Your nature and character and love. There is none like You.”

”But You make us like you. You make a way for us to be transformed. Dissolve our natural man more and more. Cause him to give way to the new man, the new identity we have in You. Help us to put off the old man with his deeds and to put on Christ. We want more of you.”

The grace that has poured from the lips of Christ has been monumental in my life. Truth has chiseled and shaped and cut into me. It has healed me of disease ridden thoughts and perspectives. Lies I believed have been destroyed, and His grace filled lips are still destroying those lies.

Mercy and kindness, so daily, have enabled me to live days and weeks and months and years and, now, decades for Him. Without the grace flowing from his lips I would have been crushed, disqualified, forced to withdraw on day one. And every day since. But his grace has filled my atmosphere, allowing me fresh mercy and grace daily — a supply necessary for the work of life.

The new position that is mine in Christ has flowed from His lips. I have constantly learned of his indelible mark upon my inner man. He has remade me. He has fashioned a new thing. I am a new creature in HIs sight. This grace from his lips helps me live above the mess, above the oldness, and in the newness that is mine in Him.

Like he has for millions, Jesus Christ has drawn me. He has shown me His beauty. I pray I never become sidetracked with a lesser beauty or glory, for they are all facades. Only He is worthy of my devotion and worship. Only He pours forth grace from His lips.