By this point in Mark, it is clear that Jesus is at odds with the religious leaders -- and they are certainly at odds with him! And, in our previous studies, we've watched Jesus dismantle the best arguments they could muster in their attempts to thwart his mission. By the end, "no one dared to ask him any more questions" (Mark 12:34).
Read moreArchival Post: 6 Great Attributes Of Jesus’ High Priestly Service To You (Hebrews 7)
No one is like Jesus. I have never known anyone as impressive as him. My Savior, he is also my guide, friend, leader, counselor, teacher, financial planner, advisor, coach, helper, intercessor, and pastor. I cannot imagine how I'd get through life without him and his constant aid.
Read moreKnowing God 07—God's Passover—Exodus 11:1-13:16
Sermon Notes: Knowing God 07—God's Passover—Exodus 11:1-13:16
Read moreThe Second Most Important Thing in Life (Mark 12:31-34)
In the final week of Jesus' life before the cross, Jesus has just shared with an inquiring scribe that the greatest commandment is to love God. But there’s also a second half of Jesus' answer. He teaches a second greatest commandment.
Read moreDeciding—Not Only Desiring—To Be Strong in Him (Ephesians 6:10-20)
Today, my mind is on a particular insight in Paul's exhortations to the Ephesians about spiritual warfare (or, really, about life). He said we wrestle not against people but powers, so he told us to take up the armor of God. I've identified and explained this armor elsewhere, so today, let’s consider the personal responsibility Paul expected each of us to take in putting on that armor.
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Obeys God (Hebrews 11:17-19)
We praise Abraham for his faith in God. We don't call him the father of faith for nothing. As the author to the Hebrews tried to urge his readers toward a life of faith, Abraham stood out as a perfect example.
Read moreKnowing God 06—God's Power—Exodus 7-10
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 06—God's Power—Exodus 7-10
Read moreGod's Greatest Commandment: Love Him (Mark 12:28-30)
Jesus said the greatest commandment begins with the God of Scripture -- and that we should "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (30). I'm willing to bet you've heard this saying of Jesus time and time again -- love God, love neighbor, this is the sum of the law.
Read moreArchival Post: The Curse - How The World Is (Genesis 3:14-19)
After Adam and Eve fall into sin, God started in on the serpent (14). He would then address the woman, and finally, the man. But in speaking to the snake, He declared, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" (14).
Read moreKnowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Sunday Teaching-—Knowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
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