Sunday Sermon: Psalm 9—A Commitment To Praise
Read moreArchival Post: As Life Complexifies, Trust Must Broaden
As Life Complexifies, Trust Must Broaden
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He stood powerless in front of the people. Thousands had gathered. For them, life had become hopeless, and this man had told them to follow him. And follow they did, leaving everything to give him a shot. But now he stood, fearing he'd made a mistake. He might have led them straight to their demise.
Read more(un)Reasonable Trust #2 — Habakkuk 2 — The Promise
Sunday Sermon: (un)Reasonable Trust #2 — Habakkuk 2 — The Promise
Read more(un)Reasonable Trust #1—Habakkuk 1—The Problem
Sunday Sermon: (un)Reasonable Trust #1—Habakkuk 1—The Problem
Read moreJesus Famous Podcast | Trust God While You Work
How do we trust God in our work? When things get hard or difficult, how can we rely and lean on Him in the midst of our workplaces and in our finances? Today Pastor Riley and Pastor Nate discuss various spiritual disciplines that have blessed and shaped their work life.
Read moreWhole-Hearted Work #4—Trust God While You Work (Proverbs 3:1-12)
Sermon: Whole-Hearted Work #4—Trust God While You Work (Proverbs 3:1-12)
Read moreArchival Post: Marriage Principles From Non-Marriage Verses — Love Believes All Things
Love Believes All Things
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No two people are alike, and if by some miracle they are, they won’t automatically like each other for it. We are people with brokenness, sinful desires, and bad histories, so it is inevitable conflict will come. Christina and I have our fair share of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and selfishness. Fortunately, we always get back to forgiveness, communication, and love. Rather than stay stuck in a crazy cycle of conflict, we have found there are attitudes which underpin a healthy relationship.
Read moreSeeing God Correctly: God Is Compelled To Do Good (Mark 3:1-6)
Seeing God Correctly: God Is Compelled To Do Good
(Mark 3:1-6)
So one Sabbath Jesus again went to church, to the synagogue, to the public meeting. Mark says, a man was there with a withered hand. Luke, who was a doctor, tells us it was the man's right hand (Luke 6:6). To have a withered hand meant his hand was stiff, deformed, and paralyzed. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: 5 Facets of the New Covenant God Made With You
5 Facets of the New Covenant God Made With You
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I'm sure you always read the full agreement you make with various companies to use their software and hardware. A recent Apple software license agreement is 451 pages long. And when you clicked "I agree" I'm sure it's because you took the weekend to read through it. Or maybe your lawyer perused it. But did you know God has made agreements with humanity? The biblical word for these agreements is "covenant."
Read moreArchival Post: A Blessing Offered by Christ
A Blessing Offered by Christ
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Eventually, the great wilderness baptizer, John, blurted out his question. His preaching against King Herod’s unlawful marriage had gotten him locked up. Imprisoned, John had heard of Jesus’ work. He thought it through, then asked, “Should we look for another?”
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