Mark rarely quotes from the Old Testament Scriptures. When he does quote them, it is only the characters of the particular episode -- usually Jesus -- quoting them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreWhat Does the Magnificat Say About Mary?
Allow me to introduce you to a much better Christmas song than any modern artist could compose. In the early chapters of Luke, three songs were sung. Simeon sang the third after he held baby Jesus in his arms in the temple. Zechariah sang the second after his wife, Elizabeth, in her old age, bore a son they named John. And Mary sang the first after visiting Elizabeth, a relative, while both of them were pregnant. (7 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreTwo Ways: Choose One (Psalm 1)
One of the most well-known lines of American poetry came from the pen of Robert Frost, in his poem "The Road Not Taken." He wrote: I think many love the sentiment, partly because they feel their own lives are unique, that they also have taken the less traveled road. They feel they have resisted the way of most to pursue the path of few. (15 Minutes, 3800 Words)
Read moreOutworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Witnesses (1 John 5:6–12)
Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: How to Teach Your Kids God's Word
The Holdridge Family Minivan is one of my favorite places on earth. As the odometer whirls, so do the conversations. Together, we traverse. Short trips. Long trips. Happy ones. Grumpy ones. And as we go, so do our words. Time to check-in. Time to laugh. Sometimes, time to teach.
Read moreOur Not-Yet State (Genesis 1:2)
This second line of Genesis would have spoken to ancient Israel and should speak to you. They would have seen how God took the raw material, the not-yet state of creation, and put it together in splendor and beauty. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreExodus 24-25
God just longs to be at the center of our lives. This is one of the major lessons that we will continue to learn through the back half of the book of Exodus, seeing the directions concerning the tabernacle. He longs to fellowship with his people. He wants to be at the center of our lives. He wants to be in a relationship with us.
Read moreArchival Post: God's Aid for the Overwhelmed Heart
God is Father to every believer in Christ. As "Abba, Father," He loves to hear His people. He never tires of our concerns. He invites us to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for us.
Read moreArchival Post: Make Dead Friends
While writing to the church about the proper handling of liberties, Paul encouraged his readers to develop a lot of dead friends. What I mean is, he thought the endurance required for the Christian life requires a relationship with the characters of the Old Testament.
Read moreGod's Light Produces Fellowship and Sanctification (1 John 1:6-7)
The first thing John tells us God's light produces is fellowship with one another and personal growth, or sanctification, within. But before detailing this, John records the first claim of the deceivers. (5 Minutes/1300 Words)
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