The study of Mark, or any other of the gospels in the New Testament, should lead us beyond mere learning or curiosity. We should not approach them as a way to dissect Jesus or learn a little more about his fascinating life and lifestyle. Mark's goal was for his readers to confront Jesus so that spiritual formation could occur. He did not want mere dissection or gawking, but an exchange. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreBook Recommendations
Book recommendations from books I read in 2021.
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: How The Holy Spirit Can Help You With Life
Too many people run around trying to help themselves. They turn to the wrong places for comfort, encouragement, or counsel. Many try to be “good Christians” by advocating for the self, believing God is their adversary in the process. All the while, the Spirit lives within, ready to help and aid us as Christ did his disciples. He wants to shape and mold you, gift and counsel you. He wants to open the mind of God as revealed in Scripture to you.
Read more2022 Preview
I pray you've just enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and are feeling refreshed as you prepare for all that lies ahead in 2022. Whether you are part of Calvary Monterey or only know me through, I hope something I've said or written has helped you this past year. (2 Minutes/600 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Born In the Likeness of Men
Christ has come! The glorious Son of God has been born as one of us. He adopted our frailty and weakness. He emptied himself to become one with us, and he knows our frame, that we are made of mere dust. He was tempted like we are, yet without any sin. Temptation pushed him to the limits, yet he did not yield for even a moment. He is the great God who became man.
Read moreHebrews 9:28 - Next Christmas
Hebrews 9:28 - Next Christmas
Read moreArchival Post: The Kingdom Is Received With Childlike Faith
Jesus wasn't saying that you will get the kingdom if you are sweet enough, joyful enough, or innocent enough. He wasn't preaching works-based righteousness in any way. Instead, Jesus was making a comparison. Some people receive the kingdom. They receive it because they receive things like children receive things. The keyword is "receive." How do children receive things?
Read moreThe First Christmas
As we stand on the precipice of a new year, we are bound to look back upon our current one. We might discover darkness and difficulty, pain and agony. We might also find light and joy, gladness and goodness. But, since our world labors under the pangs of the curse, travail and hurt lies in the wake of this year. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
Read moreHebrews 1:1-4—God Spoke By The Son—Christmas Sunday
Hebrews 1:1-4—God Spoke By The Son—Christmas Sunday
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Is The Way To God
Abel was the son of Adam and Eve and brother to Cain. We don't know much about these two men, but we do know they both offered a sacrifice to God. Perhaps God had instructed them to do so. Perhaps their parents had taught them the need for sacrifice. Whatever their reason for sacrificing to God, Genesis tells us their sacrifices were somehow different.
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