The thought is astounding. One day, God's children will **be like** Jesus **when He appears** (2). This incredible fact follows John's logic well. If believers are born into God's family, it makes sense that our full transformation would make us like God's Son. As God's kids, we will one day be like the Son of God. (9 Minutes/2200 Words)
Read moreThe Life of David: Protected by God (1 Samuel 19)
Early in the public ministry of Christ, during a time when His popularity was shooting forth, He taught in a house in Capernaum. His presence had rocked that region, so the house overflowed with people. (14 Minutes/3700 Words)
Read moreExile People -- 1 Peter 2:7-10 -- The Grace Of Exile #10
Sunday Message: Exile People -- 1 Peter 2:7-10 -- The Grace Of Exile #10
Read moreArchival Post: Learn This Prayer
Quick. Notice the prayer. It takes 1.7 seconds to read.
Read moreExodus 35-37
Chapter 35, and all the way to the end of the book in Chapter 40, is fairly repetitive in that the exact descriptions that God gave to Moses of the tabernacle on the mountain are now said by Moses, exactly as he received them, to the people so that they might get busy about the mission of building this tabernacle. But the repetition need not scare us as believers today. The repetition is helpful because it helps us understand that we must heed the word of God precisely, not loosely, but we must precisely heed the word of God.
Read moreYou Are God's Child -- Who We Are: God's Sons and Daughters (1 John 2:28-3:1)
We were created to have dominion, God said. The idea was beautiful and simple. By His sovereign will, God created. He spoke things into existence. His Word divided water and land, the atmosphere and outer space, and the species. On the first six days of creation, God expressed His dominion and will. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreTwo Trees (Genesis 2:16-17)
The first thing we must notice is how **the LORD God commanded the man** (16). He told Adam what was good (and bad) for him. He told Adam he had a choice -- life or death. (5 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Get Your Head Up!
Humanity was supposed to wear a crown — not one made of gold and jewels, but of God's glory and honor. We were supposed to be a regal people, free and self-controlled. Love and joy and goodness were intended to flow from our lives and hands and hearts.
Read moreExodus 33-34
As a reminder, we're here in the book of Exodus, in the middle of a three-chapter section where the people of Israel first rebelled in building the golden calf while Moses was still on Mount Sinai. Then secondly, and we'll see it in this chapter, Moses will mediate for the people. He's actually already begun mediating for the people a little bit in chapter 32, which we saw in our last study together. And then finally, God is going to restore the people of Israel. So that's the flow that we're in, in this little three chapter section. Rebellion of Israel, the mediation of Moses for Israel, and then the restoration of God to Israel.
Read moreWalk in Truth – Continue in the Spirit’s Teaching (1 John 2:26-27)
John wants us to, first, consider the season we are in. Second, he wants us to confess Jesus as the Son. Third, and finally, we learn in these verses, he wants us to continue in the Spirit's teaching. (6 Minutes/1500 Words)
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